A circle is being made made in my life. We are moving out of Chicagoland and back to Kentucky in a few weeks and I am leaving some wonderful woman here in Chicago that I met 11 years ago when we moved to Wheeling, Illinois from Burlington Kentucky.
I didn't know one soul when we moved here. I joined the NSQG (Northern Suburbs Quilting Guild) in hopes of making some friends. I have heard for years that quilters were great woman! I didnt tell a soul that I DIDNT know how to quilt. I WAS GOING TO LEARN.!
During my second NSQG's monthly meeting, I asked at the front desk if they knew anyone that lived by me hoping I could meet a new friends. It was my lucky nite... 2 woman over heard me and followed me through the vendors. I saw these two woman smiling at me.. I smiled back and said "hello."
They introduced themselves..."Hi, I'm Bev and this is Jean. We live by you and would love for you to join our mini bee."
I was so happy. I was going to make friends. It didnt matter to me that I didnt know what a mini bee was. All I knew that I was going to Jean's house the next week. (I didnt let them know that I didnt know how to quilt.. i had only made pot holders!)
Bevie (our Queen Bee) |
Jeanie (my partner in crime) |
I have belonged to my mini bee group for 10 years. I have loved looking forward to the companionship of my woman friends the first Thursday and the second Saturday (and the 5th Saturday on some months).
These woman are a plethora of knowledge. There has been many times over quilting that we have solved the problems of the world. These woman have taught me to love the art of quilting as they were teaching me to quilt. They didnt care that I only made potholders.
Janet |
Debbie |
Mary | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Carol has a New York accent |
These wonderful woman have become my chosen sisters! I love all of them and I am going to miss them and our meetings on the first Thursday, second Saturday and sometimes the 5th Saturday of every month.
My sisters had a going away lunch for me. It was a happy day and a sad day for me. We did a lot of visiting, eating , laughing, eating some more and then they brought out the newest projects they were working on.
I love show and tell. These ladies are so talented. Some day, I hope to be just like them! Bev was showing her newest quilts and she asked me to read the label on a quilt that was all folded up. As I looked at that label the tears started rolling.
Look what my sisters made me!
I am very blessed to have such talented and giving woman in my life.
I was so lucky 10 years ago that none of them cared that I could only make potholders when they asked me to join "their sisterhood ." | | | | | |
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